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Here are 10 tips for guys to think about:. Be interesting. Letting other people praise your accomplishments is much more attractive to girls and women than acting like you are your own biggest fan. Work on your manners.

Autism and Relationships: Sam Goes Dating

Girls tend to appreciate a guy who knows not to talk with his mouth full, how to stand back and let someone else enter a door first, and how to keep his voice volume low in a crowded movie theater. Get a girl mentor, or several. I made friends with girls in my high school classes who I could ask questions about what girls expected or would like. An older sister or even your mom can be a great source of information.

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Find a girl with interests similar to yours. Maybe you both excel in a class. Get to know a girl before you ask her out. Less pressure makes for a better first date. When you ask a girl on a date, make it specific. If you wish, you can then wait a few days and ask her out again to a different event.

Listen, listen, listen. One of the biggest mistakes guys make is talking too much about themselves or their interests. This is a special challenge for guys with Asperger Syndrome. When you talk with a girl, make your point and then give her a chance to respond. If she changes the subject, try and talk about the new subject for a while. Assume that a girl cares as much about her interests as you do yours and her opinions are just as valid. She is not less or more, she is different — in some interesting ways. People often talk about things to help them think them through, or just to have another person sympathize.

Pointing out what you see as a simple solution to her problem is not likely to earn you admiration for being smart. Girl-world has a lot of icebergs.

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Consider joining a support group for teens or adults on the spectrum. These are often safe havens in which to discuss feelings, fears, and practice valuable social skills to use in the real world of dating and relationships. No one will ever be perfect at it, but practicing social skills and learning the hidden curriculum are good places to start.

Editorial Policy: Autism Awareness Centre believes that education is the key to success in assisting individuals who have autism and related disorders. Note that the information contained on this web site should not be used as a substitute for medical care and advice.

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Read Our Full Editorial Policy. Guys with ASD have to pay very special attention with every single thing they do on a date because girls are much more reactive than guys. One example is guys typically appreciate it when girls are straight and blunt to the point, while girls do not. I am a person repellent. You forgot one thing.

That vibe, that energy you emit as a person. It can make people wanna hang around you, people wanna talk to you, girls or boys are more inclined to date you. If you lack that certain energy or vibe than it can be the total opposite. You can date here to find a love, but you can also looking for a nice friendship or a chat buddy. Our dating platform is including various smart features and a virtual environment.

Dating Nathan (And His Autism)

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Autism and Relationships: Sam Goes Dating

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